
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The song "White Christmas", specifically the Burl Ives version, always conjurs up a very specific, non holiday-related memory of mine.

The time was Spring Break of 2001. The place? A pub in London whose name escapes me. I was in London for the week visiting Kristen, who was studying there for the semester. That week remains one of the most debaucherous of my life and I spent much of it either very drunk, or recovering from being very drunk. Much of this drunkenness began in the very pub I mentioned earlier, which was across the street from the dorm Kristen was staying in. This pub had a hilariously kick ass juke box which we abused as drunken Americans are wont to do. There was lots of Backstreet Boys (in fact, there was a pub-wide sing-along to "I Want It That Way" if i remember correctly). There was lots of Spice Girls..and when we were being really bad even some Don MacLean sprinkled in. Anyway, one night in particular I found a hidden gem within the confines of the jukebox playlist: N Sync's "Tearin' Up my Heart". Oh yeah. So I punched in the numbers and made my way back to my table where I silenced the crowd with a "Get ready for this!"..

"This" meaning a sing-along dance party of course.

So we waited, pensive, ready for the first line "It's tearin up my heart when I'm with you!".

Instead....the rich baritone of Burl Ives came blaring out of the speakers "I'm....dreaming...of a whiiiiite Christmas".

I was so embarrassed.

And everyone of course thought I MEANT to play this song for some reason, and that is why I demanded everyone be quiet in anticipation.

It was mortifying...One of the waiters actually asked me "What is WRONG with you?"

But at least it makes an awesome memory, and every time hear that song I remember being wasted in London. And you know, being wasted is part of the holiday tradition so I suppose in a way it IS a sort of holiday related memory.


Anonymous said...

i laughed at your misfortune. i did, i'm being honest. danielle

Sarah said...

laugh at this!

(my middle finger)


Anonymous said...

It's so you. I love it.
That was SUCH a great time in our lives. This was after you came home to UMB. God, I love it. I Remember one night we went out in town with KOT, Jill, U, Me and KOT wore your BODY GLITTER! So amazing.

Sarah said...

they were the best of times...they were the drunkest of times...

Berry Berry it up!

Sarah said...

that is Andy Butler who was posting about the and him and you and jill and ariane and my friend pat (i think) all went to manray together eons ago!

Sarah said...

indeed, you did :-P