
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

sometimes when i get excited, i say the wrong thing.

and i don't mean i swear, or say something i regret. i literally weird that the word/phrase i am trying to say comes out wrong. especially if i am debating between two choice phrases to use.

for instance, last year i forget what happened but i was really psyched about me being right and Adam being wrong about something, so i exclaimed "I awesome!!" when what i meant to say was either "I rule" or "I am awesome". it just got a little messed up on the way out. we both still use it nowadays when one of us is, well, awesome.

and then yesterday there was a snafu invovling parking at my office park. my office park consists of one building, and about 10 companies share that building. one of those companies has HUGE meetings and when they do, there are often no parking spots left for hapless induviduals who may have taken their car to go out to lunch. this situation could be resolved, of course, if our property manager would add more spaces (there IS a 1/2 acre of unsused land behind our building that they own!) but they have not, for some reason. so yesterday when i came back from my eye doctor appointment i had literally nowhere to park (and street parking is illegal, as is parking in another office park's lot, and those effers TOW). so i parked half on the curb near an embakement on the side of our parking lot. it's not like i had a choice. anyway, the oh so pleasant property manager called my office an hour later to complain about a mis-parked car and threatened to tow me if it happened again.

(notice how she is so quick to call when a car is not in the proper spot, but when all three toilets in out ladies' room are clogged she is NOWHERE to be found)

i am not the person who took the call, but i became irrationally mad when i heard about it. why should i have to park a mile away from my work! i feel like once a week i come back from lunch and have to drive around for 10 minutes just to find a spot. and the lot ain't that big! this is not the city, it's a suburb! build a bigger damn parking lot and we wont have to park on curbs!!! anyway, so i told my coworker that if that woman even THOUGHT about towing me, then i would "rip heads".

obviously i meant a combination of "heads will roll" and "rip her a new you know what".

its a pleasant phrase either way, don't you think?


Jaime said...

i do that all the time too. and i am totally going to use "rip heads" at the next possible occassion.

Pause said...

I like it "rip heads" and "roll them new assholes!"

Raineydays said...

Once in high school, I was getting ready for a football game(dance team) and the back of my uniform was unzipped and I was such in a hurry that I told my friend "Hurry up run me over!" i obiviously meant zip me up. Ever since them I still think about that when I'm zipping up.

carrotpenis said...

In multi-tenant buildings, the parking spaces are usually allotted on a per square footage basis. You get a certain amount for ever square foot you rent. If this is the case, the other tenant is potentially violating their lease. Call the building manager and make a formal complaint against the other tenant. Let their sorry asses walk the mile to the building. Ha!