
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

i didn't know they made Memoirs of a Geisha into a movie!?
it's coming out December of 2005!!
i'm so excited! it's one of my favorite books of all time!

Work, Sayuri!!!!
(i am a huge nerd)
(and thanks to Trent for bringing it up! (the movie, not me being a huge nerd)


Okgirl Speaks said...

OMG! I did not know they were really making it into a movie. It is one of my favorite books also, and I had turned some of my friends on to it too. I am so excited. I need to re-read it so that I can remember what is going on. That is very awesome news! Thanks for posting that!

DementedPhotographer said...

VERY cool.

So, shall we schedule a date? ;)


Raineydays said...

I really like this book and I'm glad that the movie is coming out. I saw some stills on a website (can't remember which one) and it looked so beautiful. The colors look amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am working on the official website!! I will let you know when it is launched!

Kim said...

Loved that book too!

Okgirl Speaks said...

Okay..whoever Lisa is...I wanna know too! I am very excited about this coming out as a movie. Girls night out....coming up!