
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

so, i saw the design plan for the new World Trade Center and frankly, i am not that impressed:

i'm sure it's all very meaningful, and lovely. but to me they may as well have done this:

stay away terrorists! or we will inject you with our HUMONGOUS needle.

well, i suppose it is kind of threatening...

but you know, if threatening was what they were going for then i can think of something alot worse than a gigantic syringe...



AliRose said...

Haha, I can't stop giggling here at my desk. So very random. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Haha where do you come up with this stuff?? It totally looks like a syringe.
I read the story you posted on Alicia's site. How would you like to take a trip out to California? Maybe you can tell me whether or not I am preggers!