
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

i'm nervous....

for about a week now, my right eyelid has been bothering me. it has just been a little sore.

(eyelids CAN be sore, believe it or not. i am not being a hypo.)

i stopped wearing makeup to see if it made a difference but it didn't. and i can only hope that what happened to me 3 years ago isn't happening to me again now.

you see, one year while i was in college, i had the same kind of eyelid-soreness for about a week straight and then i woke up one morning and was a kyklopes.

i kid you not. my right eyelid was so swollen that i couldn't even open that eye. i had only one eye!!

and i am so vain that of course this meant i couldn't go to class, so i went to the dr. and he misdiagnosed me as having pinkeye....and a few days and many more degrees of kyklopesness later we found out i actually had a blocked gland in my eyelid which i would just have TO WAIT OUT.

it was the saddest (and longest and most one-eyed) week of my life. and i do NOT want to repeat it. do you hear me, eyelid-gland? if you are blocked than you just unblock yourself right this minute!!

who knew one little blocked gland can turn me from this:

into this ?

so you see why i am nervous.....


liz said...


Anonymous said...

Geez you are funny. Sorry about the eye, dear. I don't have any tips to offer or anything, but I will keep the fingers crossed.