
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

has anyone ever noticed that the people who say "renting is a waste of money" usually live at home with their parents?

not that there is anything wrong with living at home, lord knows i milked it for all it was worth for as long as i could.

but i really loathe people who are like "renting is SUCH a waste of money". i think it is an incredibly uncouth thing to say. espcially when it is said to people who really have no option other than to rent (or live at home avec les parentes).

someone i know (who i MAY work with but i don't like to blog about coworkers anymore so maybe i don't work with him) just moved back in with his parents after living on his own for a while. that's fine. but now he is OBSSESSED with taking polls amongst other people like "how much do you pay for rent?" and then when the answer is stated he responds with "you know you're throwing $XXX out the window, right?". and then he will launch into some story about how his mortgage is only going to be $400 a month and he is going to sell the place he buys in like a year and "make bank".


and his statements don't make the point that he wishes them to, that he is "the man" but rather just makes him look like he is embarrassed to be living at home at age 30 and in order to deal with his embarrasment he is acting like a child.

FURTHERMORE: he is this type of person that i am beginning to realize exist EVERYWHERE. i call this type of person an "I'm Awesome and You're Not Awesome" personality. you know what i mean. the kind of person who not only talks about how awesome what they're doing is (which is fine) but has to mention how Not Awesome what you are doing is. get it?. as in "I'm not renting and you SUCK for renting". or "I hate mexican food and you are dumb for liking it".

does anyone else know anyone like this?


Anonymous said...

Ok, so maybe it is a waste of money, but then again, what isn't? Yeah our mortgage is less than our previous rent, but renting is the reality when you're young and you want to live in the city, unless you've got the "bank" to pay close to a million for a home, which I personally do not.

Not only did we rent FOREVER, we also LEASED one of our cars! Waste!

Oh well. One could say my handbag and shoe habit is a waste of money too but that's a topic for another day.


Anonymous said...

haha Skully just posted exactly what you hate on TandP!!

I do believe buying is awesome, but I also know it's not for everyone. Renting in an area before buying could be better - try before you buy! Or renting if you don't know where you want to be in a year or two. Plans change, people change and renting gives you that option.

I know that is the particular case with me. I wanted to buy - even went so far as to get pre-approved for a mortgage, but it took getting those approval papers in hand before I realized I might NOT want to be tied down for whatever amount of time in this area. It made me think that maybe before I sign anything I should try something else - even if only for a while. A big move might never happen, but I don't want to rule that out at age 24!

Obviously if you know "THIS is where I want to be", where ever that is, buying obviously becomes more attractive and easier to swallow .... until you get to the finance part! ;)

Sarah said...

i agree with you both: my point was just that its RUDE to point out to someone that they are wasting money, whether it be on rent, or a gigantic gold bag found on ebay. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm just backing you up Sista. now show us that gold bag!

Sarah said...

you've seen it! it's that hideous tote!

Erin said...

How about this female variation: the girl who, while very attractive, loves to tell you just how many guys have been hitting on her and how many are in lust with her. Oh, and if you ever tell her that some dude hit on you, he totally hit on her like 800 times earilier that night.

Frankie said...

Ugh. People.