
Monday, June 20, 2005

i was cruising down Moody Street, approximately 3 minutes late coming back from my lunch break. suddenly, the black ghetto-fied Acura in front of me SLAMMED on his breaks and banged a sharp left without so much as the ghost of a blinker. i braked hard and shimmied a bit, and thankfully narrowly missed him.

so of course, ever the model of decorum, i screamed out my open window "Use your asshole, blinker!!!"*

as soon as i said it i realized i goofed. d'oh!

clearly we know who the asshole in this situation is, and it ain't the guy with the Lee Press-On tint job

(*the best part is this definitely also happened to me last year in Boston and i said the exact same thing and probably blogged about it as well. history really does repeat itself)


DementedPhotographer said...

Perhaps he SHOULD use his asshole. Clearly his brain isn't functioning.


Jenny said...

That's hilarious. I didn't even get it until I re-read what you had written. Oops!