
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

it was around 3PM today that i realized i had lost my slip.

which is odd because i was wearing it last time i checked.

whenever i wear a wrap-style dress (and i own several) i usually wear a short slip underneath. i don't trust those wraps, i never have. what i gain in flattering dresswear i lose in paranoia and fear of overexposure. luckily the slip comes to save the day and should a gust of wind of wayward pervert attempt to disrobe me, i have further protection against nakedness!!

it makes me feel better, anyway.

so, in any case, today i am wearing a wrap-style dress and thus i am wearing a black satin slip underneath it. and as i was sitting at my desk just now, i had an odd feeling. instead of feeling satin, i felt jersey material against my abdomen. "hmm" i thought. i reached down to my hip and tried to feel for the slip through the material of my dress.


at this point, all manner of thought is rushing through my head. where did the slip GO?? is there anyway it could have fallen off (perhaps both straps broke?) and i didn't notice? jesus, is it lying on the floor of the breakroom or something?

i decided to further investigate the matter and made my way to the ladies room where i made a most interesting discovery.

my slip had ridden up so far that it was essentially tucked under my bra.


i have a vague idea of how this could have happened. the slip was a little staticky this morning when i put it on, and i was moving around alot this afternoon folding plans that are 4 ft by 6 ft into squares that are 8.5 iches by 11 inches.

but still, that is a quite a trip for a small piece of satin to make!

i am just glad it wasn't on the floor somewhere. now someone please hand me the static- guard!


Sarah said...

haha i wish! its actually a reference to my personal motto "i look good, i do what i want". (which i quasi-stole from Eric Cartman)

Erin said...

Wow. The runaway slip made me laugh so loud I scared a few people.

Anonymous said...

rubbing an unused dryer sheet on the offending material works like static guard.

Katie said...
