
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

i am in such a rut.

seriously...i get the same exact thing at starbucks every day. "venti-iced coffee, sweetened". the worst part is that i mean to change it up, but i feel bad for the barrista who knows my order before i say it (since its not all that hard to remember). i walk in thinking "caramel macchiato!" but as soon as he looks up at me and says "venti iced coffee, right?" i just smile weakly and nod. in reality i don't want to give up my prestige as someone who goes to starbucks so often that they know my order before i go in. granted..this sort of thing would be more prestigious if it were happening at, say, the Capitol Grill or Whiskey Park...but hey, i take what little presitge i can get.

also, i realized yesterday that the sushi at trader joe's is way better than the sushi at the Prudential food court. who knew that suhsi doesn't have to make you nauseous for 15 minutes after you eat it? not i!

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