
Sunday, February 08, 2004

don't you have when you use a magnifying mirror to pluck your eyebrows? i mean, you know that you haven't plucked in a while, but you figure you still look alritght. And then you look in one of these suckers and not only is the amazing growing right there on your lower forehead, but your pores are the size of moon craters and you are sprouting the beginnings of crow's feet on your about-to-be-24-years-old face. i tell you, the world of the magnified make-up mirror is an ugly, ugly world.

so, both chris and jenny were kind enough to bring to my attention that i have been slacking with the updates. 'tis true, working full time and in the city is taking a big bite out of my ilookgood-time. mostly because i rarely go home straight from work and instead prefer to
1) meet friends for "a drink" (read: several martinis)
2) shop, shop, shop, shop
3) meet with my busines partner and discuss our impending fame and fortune.

and then by the time i get home i want nothing more than to curl up in my bed with chex mix and my latest book (The Red Tent). i am getting old.

working on newbury street is just proving to be all kinds of disracting to me. i slip out on my lunch break to buy a luna bar and diet dr pepper, and come back laden down with makeup from sephora and shoes from jasmine sola. i plan on going straight to the T after work, and somehow end up at a bar on Newbury St/Boylston/Mass Ave/ i have no self control. i need to work in a desert....or on a rural mountaintop. only then will i be safe from myself.

i did finally find hot pink post-it notes though, so that's good at least. my quest to pink-ify the office is underway! ( i already have pink paperclips and pink up? pink computer paper!!

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