
Friday, January 02, 2004

Stole this from danielle

(i know these are annoying to read, but i could not help myself)

*Name Four Things That You Wish You Had*
1. money
2. a louis vuitton bag
3. that orange coat from banana republic
4. self control


*Name Four Scents You Love*
1. hypnotic poison (c.dior)
2. christmas trees
3. jasmine
4. the sea

*Name Four Things You'd Never Wear*
1. tapered jeans
2. faux fur vests, a la J. Lo
3. those manolo spike heeled construction boots (gross!)
4. anything acid washed

*Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now*
1. going to the bank
2. checking my grades online
3. going shopping for a first-day-of-work ensemble
4. i need an iced coffee

*Name Four Things That You Have Done Today*
1. made an omelet
2. watched wayne's world
3. blogged
4. started reading "Living History"

*Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought*
1. a fabulous coat from macy's
2. christmas ornaments at the apres-christmas sale at Crate and Barrel
3. nips
4. iced coffee

*Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink*
1. iced coffee
2. diet coke
3. tanqueray martinis with 3 olives
4. poland springs water (by the gallon!)

*First Grade Teacher's Name? – mrs ready
*Last Words You Said:- whatever
*Last Song You Sang? – miss otis regrets (in the shower this morning)
*Last Person You Hugged? - adam
*Last Thing You Laughed At? – my girls, on NYE
*Last Time You Cried? – last week (quel drama!)
*What's In Your CD Player? – a mix i made: ella/nina/billie

*What Color Socks Are You Wearing - no socks!
*What Time Did You Wake Up Today? – 10AM
*Current Taste? - diet pepsi with lemon
*Current Hair? – messy ponytail
*Current Clothes? – hot pink velour PG pants, black zip up hoodie
*Current Annoyance? – not having enough $$
*Current Longing? – see current annoyance
*Current Desktop Picture? – a collage of nina simone album covers
*Current Worry? –see current annoyance
*Current Hate? – being cold
*Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex? – eyes (i like 'em blue) and hands (i like 'em womanly ;-) )
*Last CD You Bought? – zao mama, aMAzone
*Favorite Place To Be? – the beach, logan airport ('cause it means i am about to go on a trip!), laying on jill's floor with megs and andy surrounded by piles of US WEEKLYs and Podima wraps, while Emma blares on the TV, the good life, allenstown ;-)
*Least Favorite Place? - the dentist
*If You Could Play An Instrument? – piano
*Favorite Color? – black and pink to wear, blue and yellow to decorate with
*Current Favorite Word/Saying? – whatevs!
*Favorite Season? – fall
*One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To – Nikki
*Favorite Day? - friday
*Where Would You Like To Go? – back to lebanon and paris...then china, greece, hungary, italy, australia, india, south africa....i want to have hit all the continents by the time i turn 30.
*What Is Your Career Going To Be Like? - fabulously lucrative
*How Many Kids Do You Want? – none as of now
Car? - 1988 british racing green jaguar xj6 with tan leather interior....the ultimate swank mobile
*A Random Lyric: - "miss otis regrets she's unable to lunch today, madam"

full name: sarah nicole stewart
nicknames: sah, seerah, stew
birth date: february 25 1980
zodiac sign: pisces
birthplace: quincy, ma
current location: b-tree, baby
eye color: brown
hair color: auburn with blonde highlights
height: five nine
right or left handed: right

most overused online phrase: lol!!!
weakness: money, cash, hoes
fears: takeoffs, bugs
first thought this morning: where are my pants? (haha)
perfect pizza: green pepper
best physical feature: i have pretty good skin
bed time: midnight during the week, 4/5am on weekends
[this or that]
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: wendys
single or group dates: both!
sweetened or unsweetened tea: sweet
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!
cappuccino or coffee: coffee

[yes or no]
smoke: socially
drink: oh yeah
cuss: way to fucking much
sing: all the time
take a shower daily: yup
have a crush: shh don't tell anyone
been in love: i'm not sure
want to get married: no
believe in yourself: hell yeah
get motion sickness: never!
think youre attractive: do you even know the name of this blog?
think you're a health freak: god no, i think wine and french fries are two of the major food groups
get along with your parents: yes
like thunderstorms: not when i'm home alone

[in the past month]
drank alcohol: yes
smoked: yes
done a drug: nicotine counts?
had sex: yes
made out: yes
gone on a date: of course
gone to the mall: way too much
eat sushi: yes
been on stage: no
gone skinny dipping: not since the summer
dyed your hair: no
stolen anything: just music online, haha

[hopes and dreams]
age to be married: never, i prefer simply to be a kept woman
number of children: none, or maybe one adopted cambodian baby
names of children: girls: lilliane (lilly for short), viviane, kendall, noor . boys: jackson, dominic, ian, phillip, jade
cause of death: i'm going to live forever, duh
career: professional globe-trotter

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