
Monday, July 07, 2003

Well, i gave my twoweek notice at Lord and Taylor this past Sunday. It actually worked out well. I handed a manager my notice, and then informed her that I was leaving work 4 hours early because of family obligations (i.e. Jenn's graduation party). So at 3PM I packed it in, bought a stunning pair of Anne Klein sandals on a whim and picked up Meaghan and Andy for our field trip to Bridgewater. Andy surrprised me in the best way possible with the knock-off LV bag he picked up in New York I have been obsessing about all summer! He f*cking rules, you know? Anyway, we arrived fashionably late and greeted Jeannie, Diana and the Girl of the Hour: Jenn and immediately gathered around the dessert table. The party was mostly outdoors, my friends looked beautiful and the teeny-drinks were sublime. Andy and I commandeered a shaded section of the porch by the table o' hummus+pita and set about discussing each man in attendance at the party. One boy in particular, who looked stunningly like Gilbert Blythe from the PBS version of Anne of Green Gables, was our favorite. We also passes time by listening and adding to other people's converstions seated around us. An excerpt of mine and Andy's eavesdropping escapades:

Old Lady (saying to bland-looking man to her left): You look like that man from Bridget Jones' Diary!
Andy and I : "Colin Firth?"
Other Ladies in the Circle: Who? Hugh Grant?
Andy and I: "Colin Firth!"
Old Lady: No, not Hugh Grant, the other one. The one who was in Pride and Prejudice.
Andy and I "Colin Firth!!!'
Other Lady "Colin Firth?"
Andy and I (High-Fiving) - "YES!"
Old Lady: "No, that;s not it"

Needless to say, the man looked nothing like Colin Firth, although the Old Lady did say "if only you had on a lace collar". We all hung around the back porch, discussing the impending Book Club meeting this Friday (which Andy has rather aptly renamed the Sarah's Book Dictatorship), and taking about old times and Coast Guard B's until bees of a different variety frightened us away. I do not like bees at all, in fact I hate them. I like to think that I have respect for all living things but it's simply not true. I detest bees. If i could make a living out of it I would hunt bees for profit.

Today included a somewhat disasterous attempt at interaction on my part with Cute Young Boy in my French class. For one thing, he is not cute in the wide scheme of things, but cute considering the other guys in my class and secondly he has been to Kenya which means I already have a hook, since I too have been there. ("Heeeyyy, cool Maasai bead bracelets".....well, maybe not). Anyway, I decided today I would talk to him after class but was intercepted by well-meaning but socially inept NEC student, Bea, who on the first day of class wandered in with a huge unicorn sticker stuck to her butt. Anyway, I accepted defeat for the time being, resolving to get to him tomorrow. So I am in my car, careening through the parking lot when an a-hole in a BMW attempts to cut me off but, since it is so bleeding hot, and I have road rage tendencies even when I;m not sweating to death in my car, I lay on the horn and yell obscenities and cut HIM off, noticing that HIM happens to be Cute Young Boy from my class. D'oh. But I am figuring that this is an even better hook than the Kenya thing. "Hey, remember when I called you an Asshole? That was so funny!?" Hmmm......

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