A Night Out In Quincy: The Tweet Edition
(read from the bottom up)Are we friends on twitter? We probably should be. Don't you want to be privy to my bitchiness at all times?
In other news our first time home owner's class went well. It was quite informative and instead of finding out, as I feared, that we will have to wait years to be in a decent condo in a decent neighborhood close to the city it actually seems like we can do it sooner rather than later. Yay for that!
We decided to blow off steam after class the best way we now how - at karaoke! It was an odd crowd last night but we still had a great time. Probably because no one else was singing but the DJ and Adam and I and some guy I think was probably on luudes. Good times!
Adam and I have resolved to visit one Quincy bar we have never been to at least once a week, since we tend to go to the same five bars all the time and that is getting a little tired. Plus it's good to set goals for one's self. Especially if said goals involve drinking. Anywho last night it was this tiny bar that is two blocks from our place but that we have always been scared to go to having been admonished by more than one person that if we didn't grow up in this neighborhood, we have no business at that bar. Well last night on our way home we decided, what the hell. If we get shanked at least I will have something to blog about. So we went in and the people could NOT Have been nicer. Also nice was the fact that 1 glass of pinot grigio and 1 budweiser cost $5.50 total. Sacre bleu! Nothing wrong with that.
Ok now back to nursing my hangover. Happy Friday!
For that price I'd still be there this morning...
I know, right? I did a doubletake when she told me the price.
Your tweets made for entertaining reading this morning while I was hating the world/getting ready for work. :-)
And now the verification thing didn't load. What am I supposed to do? GUESS?? Hahaha
I'm sad I can't view the flickr pic. But happy about the condo situation! Hope it all works out ...
Funny when I read that last part I thought: Awww, it has been so long since I've had a hangover, like I missed it or something. Not.
the photo doesnt work for me either!
i thought this post said: "a night out in quincy: the TWEEN edition"...and i was like, 'huh?! sarah is writing for 10-12 year old kids now?!'..haha!
aw, i was trying to explore new (to me) quincy bars too, since there are like a million... but then i went to the place across the street from my house. i can walk there and there's good food and it's cheap and i haven't anywhere else for a few weeks. :)
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