
Friday, August 24, 2007

Halloween is Around the Corner, Brah.

Fellow blogger Kerry is a girl after my own heart.

She blogged today about already starting to look for Halloween costumes for her kids and so I felt it was safe to admit that Adam and I had already decided on costumes for ourselves this year, more or less. I mean the trees on our street are already starting to turn red and yellow - if that doesn't mean Halloween around the corner than I don't know what does. Not to mention "Halloween" aisles at CVS and TJ Maxx.

Bring it on.

Anyway, we have a brilliant idea and with a little work, some fake tanning and one hot ass bleached blonde wig and one fabulous mullet may come to fruition.

Hottest celebrity couple/Halloween costume EVER!


East Coast Teacher said...

OMG, that would be totally awesome! I LOVE this show - and you would make a kick ass Beth.

Do it, do it!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Fabulous. PJ and I have already decided on our costumes as well. Mine:

and his:

Don't tell anyone! (o;

Anonymous said...

That's HOT!!

We're going to need to see pictures of this. You can never go wrong witha mullet wig, yo.

Perfectly Plump Preppy 2.0 said...

Oh my goodness, my best friend is going to be Beth and just bought this (they have a matching dog). Oriental Trading Company has a Beth costume :)

Britt said...

Hahahaha, my husband and I talked about doing them this year - bring on the mullet wigs! I think you should do it - hilarious!

To Be Announced said...

Half of IParty Quincy is already stocked! The roommate and I looked at costumes today to get in the Halloween mood!!!

Blog Owner said...

I'm thinking of trying to get my hubby to man up and do the mullet no wig. It's not gonna happen. It is just SO not gonna happen!

kate.d. said...

yeah, that definitely gets a big OMG. you all could win contests and shit, i bet.

i think my friends and i are going to try to pull off the rarely done group costume as a bunch of characters from twin peaks. we just watched the whole series over the last couple months, and there are just some great costumes there. a woman who carries around a log? a woman who wears a cheerleading outfit and an eyepatch (AND has superhuman strength)? a sheriff? an FBI agent? a pregnant receptionist? too awesome.

k e r r y said...

You must post a picture! Love it!!

Krista said...

I want Matt to grow out his blond fro and be the greatest American Hero. HOT!

Lys said...

That is CLASSIC! Sarah, you MUST take pics!

Rebecca said...

OMG. LOVE IT. hahaha. You MUST take pictures...!

Anonymous said...

That will be hil-larious!! I have to tell ya tho...last year my husband came up with a last minute idea...he said, "I'm going to be a beaver hunter"...that meant I got to dress up guesed it--a beaver...I said NO WAY!! then he pulled out the brown fleece suit you wear in a dry scuba diving's incredibly warm...and guess what!? I donned my styrofoam buck teeth, belted on a car mat (the short fiber rug kind) as a tail...and was much more comfy around the bon fire than the chick in the skimpy nurse outfit!! this year...maybe Ren and