
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shake Your Bon Bon

Every so often, clients send my office little treats.

Maybe a tin of cookies for a job well done.

Maybe a fruit basket as a thank you.

And it's always appreciated.

Today, however, someone sent us these adorable chocolate covered bon bons and the whole office is ABUZZ about them. I have not heard a topic so much discussed around here since the Sopranos season finale.

I walk into the front office and two coworkers are saying "The green ones are okay but I like coconut best".

In the suite next door I hear "No DON'T try the peanut butter ones, they are so dry! Go for the cookie dough".

Even in the (infamous) bathroom "Did you try one of those bon bons yet? Oh God!".

Literally everyone I run into has someone to say about these bon bons.

What's a gal watching her calories to do*?

I of course was reminded of this: (Can anything happen in life that doesn't remind me of either Friends or Seinfeld? I think not)

Ross: Someone sent us a basket at work once, and people went crazy over those little muffins. It was the best day.
Chandler: Your work makes me sad.

*Eat two, but only eat the second one because your coworker feels bad that she had three. And you just want to make her feel better. It's called being a TEAM PLAYER


Perfectly Plump Preppy 2.0 said...

Way to take one for the team Sarah!

Sarah said...

i know, right?

Rebecca said...

hahaha, from poop on the floor - to chocolate bon bons. What a segue! ;)

Sarah said...

lol i know. it's hard to come up with an appro topic after writing about someone crapping on the floor!

Jeannie said...

A cookie dough bon bon? Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

It's true...EVERYTHING reminds me of something from either Friends, Seinfeld, or (for me) Will & Grace.