
Monday, February 12, 2007

Interview with a Hypo

(My coworker Fred sees me running my hand along my jawline)
Fred: What's wrong?
Me: I'm checking for a bump.
Fred: Why?
Me: Because I felt a bump on the left side of my jaw. If I feel one on the right side too in the same place then it's not a tumor.
Fred: Huh?
Me: If there's one on each side then it means it's normal.
Fred: Or you just have two tumors.


Anonymous said...

You do realize you have glands directly under your jawbone, right? (In the back, about an inch or so down from the bottom of your earlobe) There's one on each side. Mine swell up all the time due to colds and allergies. Sometimes one will swell up more than the other. Once, I was so sick they looked like ping pong balls. That shit ain't right. But it's not cancer. LOL.

Sarah said...

glands, tumors, tomayto, tomahto

(i had to spell those phonetically otherwise it wouldn't really work, see.)

M said...

I love logic... even the flawed kind.

Jenni said...

OMG! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this. I totally thought I was a freak! :)