
Friday, October 20, 2006

I may be hungover like woah but it was SO worth it.

Last night was the Blogtoberfest that lots of us have been talking about for a while now and it certainly lived up to the hype! In the midst of oh, 5 martinis and 2 glasses of wine I met so many awesome people including (but not limited to) Ulli, Melissa, Lori,Alyssa, Krista, Tom, Nathan, Erin, Jayne and Stacey and let's not forget superfan Caitlin (lunch, soon!). I had a blast with everyone and so am so looking forward to hanging out again soon.

Those mini burgers were CUTE, too.

I accomplished my blog-related goal of meeting everyone whose blog I regularly read and I so enjoyed being all squished in at a table, shouting inappropriate things with people I just met but who I really feel I have known for a long time. If you can talk about peeing with someone 3 minutes after meeting them? That is always a good sign.

Nerd moment of the night?

I was waiting at the bar for my drink and these Non-Bloggers were seated at the bar, eyeing the crowd and one of them asked me what was going on. I told him, in my most businesslike manner, that it was a networking event for people with blogs. He turned to his friends and said "Hey guys! It's a Myspace party!".

I thought about correcting him, but it was between that and diving into my dirty gin martini. So guess which option I chose.

I did accomplish my non-blog related goal, too though. My friend Caity was there and had this scratchy voice that I was in love with and I told her, I hope that by tomorrow my voice can sound like yours. So I smoked a bunch of cigarettes and went to karaoke at midnight and well here I am now with no voice.

Mission(s) Accomplished!


Anonymous said...

If I know you, there've got to be pics of this event somewhere. I want to see! (o;

Anonymous said...

*pouts* And I was trapped at my stupid job missing all the drink-filled nerdy fun. Glad it was such a good time...definitely will need to see pictures.

Me said...

God, I have a headache too. That was sooooo much fun! HA!

Anonymous said...

YAY! I am so flattered to get my own special little mention. I had a fab time as well and look forward to a lunch date sooooon, lady!!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was me, Caitlin, BTW. Obvi.

Anonymous said...

It was so much fun, wasn't it? I wish I got to talk to you more. We'll have to meet up for drinks or lunch soon!

East Coast Teacher said...

Last night was a lot of fun - and it was great chatting with you. As I predicted, you are just as hilarious in real life as you are here.

Though why is that I always hate the way I look in pictures?!

To Be Announced said...

The voice is worse (better?) today! So worth it though - tons of fun last night!

e$ said...

wait - i thought i posted before? maybe not? anyway, karaoke = awesome. Wish I could have borne witness!!

san said...

this sounds like a blast! i wish kim and i could have joined you guys! you're going to do that again, RIGHT???

Alyssa said...

It was very nice meeting you too - someone who reads my blog and even better listens to my podcast. I was shocked!

I have to say, for a nerd party it wasn't as nerdy as I expected. I think that's because there were more girls than boys. I had such a great time meeting you!