
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sacre Bleu! J'ai eté tagged!

Rules:The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits of yourself," and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals.

1)I hate socks and never wear them unless I am wearing snow boots or sneakers.

2) I re read books INCESSANTLY. If I like a book that I'm reading, as soon as I am done I will start back again at page one. And if I love a book then I will probably read it fifty times and still never get tired of it.

3)I have to have my bedroom clock set at least 20 minutes ahead even though it doesn't stop me from hitting snooze 2 or 3 times in the morning.

4) If I am eating alone, even if I am at home, I must read while doing so. Even if it's a magazine or a brochure.

5) I love Personal Ads. They provide me with hours of enjoyment. Or at least minutes. Not because I make fun of the ads although some of them are worthy of ridicule, but because I like to match people up in my head. Like "Omg SWF who loves dogs would be SO GREAT with SDM who loves to cook".

I actually had a hard time coming up with FIVE weird habits of mine. Which either means I am really not that weird, or my weirdness is so pervasive that I can't see beyond it.

You decide.

I tag:

Pink Kitty


Anonymous said...

1. OMG, i hate socks. Even if it's -30 degrees outside, i won't wear them. My poor, frostbitten toes...

2. I have over 3 bookshelfs (big ones) of books, because i refuse to get rid of any, in case i want to re-read them. Which i do...a LOT.

3. I am the queen of hitting snooze, and yes, my alarm is about 20 minutes ahead.

4. I sometimes do this...not ALL the time, tho'.

5. Haha, I haven't done that....but, apparently, we seem to be twins, so i guess that's just a "...yet".

Grace said...

I do the exact same things as your 2 and 4.

I can also watch some movies over and over and over again and not tire from them.

Take for example.... now don't laugh...

Indian in the Cupboard.