I really wish I had the balls to say something to people who park in handicapped spots who are not, in fact, handicapped.

Whenever I happen to see someone pull into one of those spaces, I always check the license plate to see if they have a sticker, and then the rear view mirror because sometimes they hang a handicapped tag from there.
And more often than not, the person parking there IS indeed handicapped, or else so old that I feel bad for them and don't care if they took the spot since they probably need it.
But every now and then I see a perfectly abled, middle aged person descend from their car into the lot, looking almost smug about their oh so convenient parking spot, with nary a handicap tag or sticker in sight and it makes me SO MAD. How lazy can you be?
But I never say anything to them. I may shoot them a dirty look or two but that is usually it. And it's really too bad because some of these people really could use a good talking to from me. Like the lady who parked in the handicapped spot this morning when there was a spot RIGHT NEXT TO IT that was not handicapped. And when I shot her a dirty look she said "Oh I'm just running in". "Whatever, lady", I said to her. Although had I more caffeine in my system I might have been alot more detailed in my reprimand.
And while we are on the subject, I am not really on board with the "Customers with Small Children" parking spaces at the CVS near my house. So if I don't have children I should brave walking through an icy parking lot? And isn't this particularly discriminatory to barren women? Come on.
What if I am sick and vomiting and I am going to CVS to pick up a prescription? Can we get a "Vomiting Customers" parking space? And at the mall, it would be good to have some "Customers Who Plan on Buying A Lot And Will Have Lots of Bags". Or even more useful, how about "Women Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes" parking space or two?

Whenever I happen to see someone pull into one of those spaces, I always check the license plate to see if they have a sticker, and then the rear view mirror because sometimes they hang a handicapped tag from there.
And more often than not, the person parking there IS indeed handicapped, or else so old that I feel bad for them and don't care if they took the spot since they probably need it.
But every now and then I see a perfectly abled, middle aged person descend from their car into the lot, looking almost smug about their oh so convenient parking spot, with nary a handicap tag or sticker in sight and it makes me SO MAD. How lazy can you be?
But I never say anything to them. I may shoot them a dirty look or two but that is usually it. And it's really too bad because some of these people really could use a good talking to from me. Like the lady who parked in the handicapped spot this morning when there was a spot RIGHT NEXT TO IT that was not handicapped. And when I shot her a dirty look she said "Oh I'm just running in". "Whatever, lady", I said to her. Although had I more caffeine in my system I might have been alot more detailed in my reprimand.
And while we are on the subject, I am not really on board with the "Customers with Small Children" parking spaces at the CVS near my house. So if I don't have children I should brave walking through an icy parking lot? And isn't this particularly discriminatory to barren women? Come on.
What if I am sick and vomiting and I am going to CVS to pick up a prescription? Can we get a "Vomiting Customers" parking space? And at the mall, it would be good to have some "Customers Who Plan on Buying A Lot And Will Have Lots of Bags". Or even more useful, how about "Women Wearing Uncomfortable Shoes" parking space or two?
you rock sarah
this post hits the nail right on the head. Thank you for making me feel I am not the only one annoyed with the "handicapped in their sensibilities" people
i especially love the "handicapped" giant overweight people who park in the handicap spots illegally.
to go to dunkin donuts and order a dozen donuts and god knows what else they buy in there..... ok
i am done with my venting.
Thanks for making me smile!
Good for you for at least making that woman feel a little guilty this morning, that's such a load of crap. I seriously just can not believe that someone would have the audacity to park illegally in a handicapped spot, such a sad commentary on our selfish society.
I do fully promote the spots for mothers with small children. Just last week at Target I noticed a woman with four young kids trapsing her over-loaded cart through the dirty slushy snow (in 6 degree wintery weather) to the back of the lot, and I just felt terrible for her. I could see the desperation and exhaustion in her eyes. Ladies like that really deserve a break once in a while, especially during the suffocatingly crowded holiday season!
"I have a s-s-s-stutter, you p-p-p-prick!!!!!"
~jeannie ;-)
YES!!!!! i wanted to reference that episode, but i'm trying to limit myself to one curb your enthusiasm reference a week. ;-)
Heheh, I gotta tell you, it feels SO satisfying when you actually do something about it. A friend of mine in college was in a wheelchair, so he used a handicapped spot next to his dorm. One day, we're driving back from some errands, and there's this sedan there, no handicapped plates or tag in the windshield. Naturally, we were pissed. So I went inside the dorm, get my friend's roommates, and we roll out a HUGE boulder that sat in front of the dorm and moved it behind the car, pinning him in. Oh so fun. :)
My mother's "significant other" is a Vietnam veteran and literally earned his handicap permit by being shot down in a helacopter. I makes me sick when people who are so perfectly able bodied but just lazy. Bill would love to work from the back of parking lot ... if he only could.
OMG! My father in law has a really bad hip which severly handicaps him. Last week he parked at the grocery store in a handicapped spot and forgot to put his tag on his mirror. As he was sitting there, a guy walked up & said, "Ya know, it's a$$holes like you that make it hard for everybody else." My FIL said, "Excuse me?" The guy said, "Yeah-people like you parking in handicapped spots." My FIL said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to put my tag up." The guy shook his head and walked away. The confrontation was uncalled for because my FIL is handicapped, but if it weren't for others who REALLY do this, it probably wouldn't have happened. I always give people benefit of the doubt. Maybe the person may look ok, but has a heart condition which might be aggravated by excessive exercise like walking. Ya-never know.
uh oh i am going to be on your shit list... when I go to the mall I park in the "expetant mothers" parking spot, even though I am not preggers!!! I do it when I have my kids with me and when I don't! But, hey, My CVS doesn't have the "Mom's with kids parking"... rude!! :X
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