
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conversations with a Withering Bitch, part Three
(and this time I am not the bitch!)
(well, i am less of a bitch than the real bitch)

Me: (returning from running errands, getting out of my car in the parking lot of my building, singing a snatch from Kylie Minogue's "Spinning Around" as I unload)

My Landlady : (walking towards me from her ugly vanity-plated Benz)You know, you really can't have your window open like that (pointing to my open kitchen window)

Me: Well, I bleached the kitchen floor this morning and the fumes were pretty strong

My Landlady: Well, it wastes heat, and heat is expensive enough already.

Me: It's 60 degrees out. I turned the heat off this morning

My Landlady: You can't turn the heat off

Me: Um...Then why is there an off button?

My Landlady: It just means that no more heat is pumping in, but there is still heat in your apartment

Me: (walking towards my door/not caring for this conversation): Well I'm sorry but I really can't close it now. My apartment reeks of bleach.

My Landlady: Well you should have thought of that first. Isn't that something you should be doing in the spring anyway?

Me: OKAY! (shuts back door behind her)


Frankie said...

You should close the window, open you apartment door, and set up a fan so that the bleach fumes blow out into the hallway, so everyone can enjoy. I bet she would get a ton of complaints.


Sarah said...

she is the beastliest of beasts. if you recall, she is also the lady who screwed us out of moving into one of her 2 beds and then threatened to take us to court if we left the apartment complex to find a 2 bed elsewhere. i can't wait to move out of her beastly jurisdiction!

Grace said...


Anonymous said...

WHY is she yelling at you for heat prices? Do you pay your own heating bill?

IF so.....than why is it any of her business?

MegFordice said...

BIATCH! She should be glad you take the time to do that to your floors, considering you rent.