
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

and now the third installment of "Crazies I Meet in the Parking Lot at Work"

usually i run into weirdos/psychos/perverts on my way into work but luckily i had the pleasure of encountering one on my way OUT of work.

i got out around 5 and made my way to my car in the parking lot. i had some shopping bags from a lunch time shoe shopping bonanza that i had to shift from the passenger seat to the trunk so i busied myself with that for a few minutes.

i finally got in my car and closed the door, turned on the music etc when i noticed the woman in the car next to me frantically gesturing for me to roll my window down

(why she couldn't have bothered me when i was outside my vehicle for the past 5 minutes i don't know)

anyway, i roll down my window and she asks "Is HSN here?".

"what do you mean here?" i asked, "you mean like in this office park? is it a business?"

"yes OBVIOUSLY!", she replied.


"um, i don't really know". (what do i memorize all 30 of the companies in my office building?)

"i don't get it. don't you work here?"

i told her i did, but that there were a lot of companies in my building and i couldn't name them off the top of my head. while she scowled at me (and i realize i should have probably just rolled up my windows and drove away at this point but i am always in a more charitable mood when i am leaving work) i explained that there was a plaque on the left wall of the lobby that had the name of every company in the building and their location so she could just go in and see for herself.

"well, i really don't want to go in there if i don't have to. i'm already late for my interview and i don't want to waste my time.

i just stared at her for a second and said "well then i don't know what to tell you"

first of all: you already wasted my time and yours with this inane exchange
second of all: you are probably not a good candidate for whatever position it is you are seeking if you can't even be bothered to get out of your car to make sure you are in the right place.
third of all: i saw the Kerry sticker on your bumper and I really wanted to cut you some slack but it has to be said: you are very dumb. and probably won't get the job even if you do decide to leave your car and walk into the lobby.

and i have to say it all makes me feel very good because i have some friends who will be leaving their jobs in the near future and if this is their competition in the job market then i expect to have some CEOs and CFOs amongst my circle of friends in the very near future.


Anonymous said... in Home Shopping Network?

You should take it back...she deserves to work there...

Anonymous said...

Maybe by "work there" she meant work at HSN? Other than that I don't see how she "doesn't get it", I mean, I don't expect people in a random parking lot to be know-it-alls. And isn't it wierd that she has an iterview after 5PM?

Shoe Lover said...

the idiocy of some people truly amazes me. lol