
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

so, adam and i have a small apartment

don't get me wrong, we love it.... but it is cramped.

when we were looking for a place last september we realized that it's really hard to find a nice, roomy one or two bedroom in a safe neighborhood near the T around here for under $1200 a month. we had certain criteria we would not bend on (we really wanted two off street parking spaces and for the heat/hot water to be included in the rent) and even finding those two qualities in ONE apartment was difficult. but we landed here in our Sea Street Palace and it has been good to us, despite having no storage, and Adam having to keep his clothes in the living room closet and keeping our grill behind the kitchen table and keeping the table linens in the bathroom.

and because it was our first apartment together it will always hold a special place in our hearts.....

but we are peacing the f*ck out!!!!!

yes, we have been in negotiations with our landlord for the past month or so trying to wrangle our way into one of his two bedrooms that he owns in the building that is 2 buildings away from where we currently live. he had one available. but i ain't paying no $1250/month for a two bed in quincy.

i have a weird hangup about rent and that is that i dont want to spend MORE than 1 week's paycheck on it. in fact i would like to spend LESS than one week's paycheck if possible. i like having 1 paycheck for rent, 1 for car insurance/utilities/assorted neccesities and then 2-3 paychecks a month to play with, save (yeah right) etc.

it's my system and it works for me.

so due to some unfortunate circumstances on my landlord's end, and thanks to adam's persistance (i p*ssied out right away and was like "there is no way he will go lower), we now have a glorious, spacious two bedroom apartment for only $100 a month more than we are paying now and over $200/month less than what he wanted us to pay.

adam says "don't you feel kind of grown up now that we're getting a 2-bed?"

yes, yes i do.

we move in at the end of august. next obstacle? finding and purchasing a proper living room set for our "grown up" pad.

housewarming party immediately following. we're registered at pier one (just kidding*)

(*no i'm really not kidding, i registered at pier one like a year ago for kicks because i think registering is so fun and why should only engaged or pregnant people get to do it?)


AnnaB said...

Sarah, try to hit up the family for furniture. I lucked out with a dining room set and a sofa when I first moved out.

carrotpenis said...

you might also try a place that sells used office furniture. you can often find matching lobby pieces that work just as well for living room furniture at a reasonable price.