now, i am not a religious person: so take the following statement with a grain of salt.
God does NOT want me to smoke.
it's true. i mean, i haven't really quit smoking. i am as i ever was: on a drunken weekend night i might smoke a pack in 4 hours. but during the week i don't smoke at all.
however the need was in me yesterday. all day that nicotine itch was in my skin and my fingers yearned for that perfect cylindrical shape of a cig. plus i wanted to go on a smoke break with my boss to hear the office gossip.
but she smokes Marlboro reds. puh-lease. i may as well go smoke pot on my break, that's how high those things make me feel.
so on my lunch break drive to the local conveneince store for a pack of Marlboro Ultra Lights 100s. and as i confidently reach for my license (they are hardcore in Newton), i realize to my dismay that it is gone. and i know exactly where it is. on my desk, next to my keyboard, where i left it after trying to prove to Paul just hot ugly my license picture is (it's true. i look like a drunk cherub on meth in my picture. when i try to explain how ugly it is people are always like "no sir!" and then when i show them, they are VERY circumspect)
anyway so fine. no cigs for me. then, on my drive home i ran out of gas on the highway (not an uncommon occurance as i only remember to gas up when the light comes on). so i pull off the road into a service station and figure that instead of paying at the pump i will go in and pay and while i'm at it get a pack of cigarettes. so i get out of my car, take three steps in the direction of the kiosk and fall the fuck down.
legs splayed!
skirt up!
purse contents EVERYWHERE!!!!
(this is what i get for thinking i can wear three inch heels to work!)
the man at the next pump yells "hey are you ok!?" and as a small crowd gathers, i mumble "uh, yeah sure", i am so mortified that i literally want to just lay on the pavement. instead. i gather my purse contents, straighten my skirt, and hobble back to the pump. i am too embarrassed to stand there for too long so i swipe my credit card and put $3.86 worth of gas in my tank after which i leap into my car and peal out.
with no cigarettes.
and no pride.
and my left ankle still hurts :(
so you SEE? God really does not want me to smoke. i have the bruises to prove it.
Awww. I hope you feel better soon.
i hate falling down in public. Especially at gas stations. Last time I did that, I broke both my wrists.
Oh no! That totally sucks. :(
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