
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

has anyone else noticed that people write differently depending on what form of blogging they are doing?

(or maybe certain people are drawn to certain forms of blogging)

My Abridged Guide to Different Forms of Weblogging:

Blogspotters: think they are the BEST writers on earth because CLEARLY it takes some kind of talent to create a login/password and have someone else build/maintain your site for you. also, increased tendency to be a link-whore.

Xangans : think blogging is a popularity contest and/or use comments to build up self esteem

Livejournal: waaah, waah! feelings, feelings feelings, WAAAAH! emotions.

as for the Own-Their-Own-Domain-ers. they have the best designs. but you can tell who are the ex-blogspotters, who are the ex Livejournalers, etc...they are just repackaged in a prettier box.

(i enjoy reading ALL of the abovementioned kinds of blogs though! and of course one should not generalize....but I can generalize if i want because i am awesome.)


Anonymous said...

Yeah ok its true, comments are like crack to us xangans, we are always fiending, always wanting more more more! Comments make me smile.
Hope you had a great weekend!

Frankie said...

There's about to be a -



until I realized you're also a blogspot user...

carry on, then, carry on. ;)

Pause said...

I'll let your blog stop comment slide cause I know where you are hosted. As for me, i could care less about their pre-packaged templates my layout is better (though I think I will re-vamp it again when I get back from vacation).

For me its all about the free space baby ;).

Anonymous said...

this is gonna sound so corny but to be honest, I dig the community vibe of Livejournal. that and I've been at that site for 5 years now and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks ;) plus I was on a blogger for a while and I wicked hated the templates!