
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

i have become my own worst nightmare.

something you have to know about me is my number one pet peeve in the office (anywhere, really) is when someone corrects me when i say "good morning" instead of "good afternoon" or vice versa. for example"

me (answering my phone): Good morning, this is Sarah!"
annoying dweeb: "Um, actually it's afternoon".

SHUTUP! does it matter? i don't REALLY care if you have a good morning, afternoon or life for that matter. i was just trying to be nice. excuse me for not noticing that the clock moved from 11:59AM to 12:03PM.

i know in reality this is not a huge deal but i don't understand the thinking behind correcting me. you are clearly just trying to be annoying and thus very deserving of this wrath.

but just now, one of our subcontractors who i never see came in and when he addressed me he said "good evening, Sarah!" and what did i say?

"actually, it's still afternoon"



DementedPhotographer said...

What does it say that I usually correct myself?


Anonymous said...

Oh. Holy. Jesus.
This is my INSANE pet peeve. Plus, you know how I can't get away from answering the phone in this office! I have given up on the afternoon/morning thing. I'm lucky if I get out my compny name!

ashley said...

hahaha i could have written that post myself. i go thru that same thing all the time! i could write a very long list of things realted to answering the phone that jus tplain piss me off. people can suck

Kim said...

That drives me crazy too! Great blog, I'll be back. :-)