
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Working in the administrative field, I have come to expect that with my job duties will come a modicum of BS work. I know I am not the highest on the totem pole (though I am perhaps the most fabulous) and I realize that not everything I do is vital to the well being of this company.

However, I do NOT like when this point is made clear to me trough the actions of others. Especially annoying others.

I work with someone, let’s call him Giacomo (pronounced: Jack-o-moe)

(I love that name)

In his past career he must have either been president of a company, and thus he was never asked to change his attitude, or else he worked in a box with no human contact at all. Because he is FATALLY annoying. I mean, his annoyingness is going to kill me one day, I am sure of it.

Now, there are several kinds of annoying coworkers as we all know and these kinds of annoying coworkers can further be broken down into OTHER classifications. a kind of Genus/Phylum of the work place. Now, Giacomo is of the genus “Question Asker” as in someone who perpetually asks questions that NO ONE CARES about the answers to, such as “Why are the couches in the lobby maroon?” and “Why do you have a flat screen monitor and I don’t?”. and Giacomo’s particular breed of Question-Asker falls under the “Is There A Particular Reason?” phylum. As in “Is there a particular reason we have Foldgers coffee in the break room?” and “Is there a particular reason you have smiley-face post-its?"


But you know, I can even deal with this up to a certain point. Dealing with it could also be called “ignoring it” and “throwing things at it” but whatever.

but i digress

So, I spent the good part of the morning working on some contracts that were supposed to go out yesterday. I made sure there were no typos, that all the necessary info was in there, dates correct all that jazz. I even made mailing labels and postage stamped all the envelopes so Giacomo could just sign them and I could ship them out immediately. Because yesterday was a very busy day (traning a new hire, and the assorted Monday-Crunch-Time work that I always have to do) so I wanted this to be done quickly. So I dropped off the foot-high stack of contracts in his office and said I would be back in ½ hour to pick them up.

½ hour later Giacomo’s assistant Fernando came by and told me I was going to kill him.

“why?”, I laughed.

“Well, it appears that Giacomo has lost the contracts and he asked that you just print out new ones and get all the envelopes and postage ready that way he doesn’t have to look for them.”

“Are you kidding?” I asked. “How could he lose them? I gave them to him ½ hour ago!? It’s impossible!”

“Well, he is too busy to look for them and I can’t find them so you need to go ahead and redo them.”

Now, its not a big deal to print these out again. I mean, yes, ther are 10 contracts about 6 pages long each, and I will have to redo mailing labels for 10 envelopes not to mention that I just wasted about $20 in postage. But it wasn’t any of these things that bothered me. It was that he thought he was so important that him looking on his desk for 2 minutes was less appealing then asking me to do all this work over again. Like my time is not important at all. And I could understand if I had given him these contracts like 3 days ago because I lose things too, but ½ hour!!? Are you kidding?

“I’m not doing it” I said firmly.

Fernando was shocked “Excuse me?”

“He should reprint them himself” I said (I can’t even believe I said that but there it is)

“Well, that’s not his job”. Fernando said

“Well is it my job? I literally put them in his hands 30 minutes ago and he has not left his office yet! They have to be in there, probably under a set of plans and I don’t think I should have to waste my time because he thinks he is too busy to look for something that is right under his nose!”

“Are you in a bad mood or something?” he asked


so, long story shorter, I didn’t do them. I probably will have to today, but at least for yesterday I maintained my self respect enough to HOPE that he would find them and/or realize that I have things to do too and he should respect my time.

Of course, I am waiting for Giacomo to come by my office any minute now “Is there a particular reason those contracts haven’t been reprinted yet?”



Erin said...

I am so impressed with your office assertiveness.

You should start answering all his questions with questions--Play the Question game! Whomever says a statement first loses (ala Rosencrantz and Gildenstern.) For instance: Him: Is there a particular reason those contracts haven't been printed yet?
You: How long have you had that stick up your butt?

Jaime said...

good for you! i think my sister will especially appreciate this, since she works with a woman who (among other annoying things, as everything she does is annoying) will say "can you call ____ and ask her to blah blah blah..." or "will you email ____ to yadda yadda..." she could have done it herself in the time it took to "ask"! i hate time wasters. the only one wasting my time should be me!

ashley said...

yes jaime is right, except for the difference that i am not beneath her in any way, so she has absolutely no authority to be asking me ot do anything. especially shit shes supposed to be doing.i, liek you have become very good at ignoring people at work!

Tara said... we work at the same place?

Jenny said...

Is Giacamo even your boss?? Why didn't he have his assistant do the work for him? And does Fernando think he is annoying too? Speaking from experience, I would think that as his assistant, he would be the most annoyed by the boss than anyone else.

DementedPhotographer said...

It is for people like Giacomo that one should keep in full view of everyone a ball bat with a visible blood stain.


e$ said...

good for you!! Stand up for us downtrodden workers everywhere!