
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

weekly tanning update:

i am still going strong with the L'oreal. on monday several of my coworkers asked me if i had gone away for the weekend!! i reapplied friday night and plan on reapplying again tonight. i do my face every other day just because i like to have a slightly tanner face. since i am using the light-to-medium version of the lotion, it isn't making me more dark, just a little more golden. healthy looking, if you will.

(i know, health? what's that?)

oh and word to the wise for fellow self tanners. if you have someone helping you do your back you better advise them to not only wash their hands but their wrists and forearms too. as Adam happily found out on Saturday morning, that stuff travels and your helper may wake up with brown wrists in the morning.

and be none to pleased about it.


Anonymous said... <- That's my work one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! Tony's helping me tonight. ;-)

- Sask

Erin said...
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Erin said...

St. Tropez makes a really good self-tanner remover that's effective up to 4 hours after you apply. You can get it online at or at Bath and Body Works. TIP learned the hard way: Make sure you scrub your nails with a scrub brush or you'll have bronze nailbeds. NOT exactly natural.