
Friday, May 27, 2005

i am such an idiot.

now, as many of you know i am a BIG fan of MS Paint. especially using MS Paint to cut the heads off my friends photos and stick them on, say, Bea Arthur's body.

in fact that's exactly what i was doing today.

My friend Jill and I are planning a July trip to P-Town to visit Andy who will be residing there for a week. In earlier years, the three of us used to refer to ourselves as " The Triumverate". actually, when Meaghan was in the mix our official title "The Triumverate Plus One". and we also assigned ourselves Golden Girls Personae.

I, of course, am Blanche.

so anyway, we were emailing this morning talking about the trip and i busted out my MS Paint Skills and created a beautiful work or art:

(that's me, Blanche, in the mustard pant suit)

anywho, i saved the picture to my desktop and emailed it off to Jill and Andy with a little note about a Golden Girls reunion. it was cute.

and then i went to delete the file from my desktop because other people hop on my computer sometimes and i don't want just anyone knowing how much free time i apparently have.

so i dragged the icon into the recycle bin.

hours later i am in the L drive of my computer in the Projects section which is a public folder that anyone in the company can access from any computer in the office.

and as i am scanning across the page, looking for the particular file i needed, i see a weird icon with the title "Triumverate" underneath it.

Oh. Holy. Jesus.

so, apparently when i was trying to drag that item into the recycle bin on my desktop, i actually dropped it in the L drive folder which is located directly above the recycle bin. and of course in was all by itself at the bottom, and being the only graphic file in there, it definitely stood out.

so now i have to wonder how many of my coworkers saw it before i deleted it?

and are they impressed, scared or a little of both?



Tara said...

This is HILARIOUS! I love the Golden Girls!

DementedPhotographer said...

You'll know if someone asks if you can get them Betty White's autograph. ;)


portuguesa nova said...

Lol! My college roomates and I also assigned ourselves Golden Girls, being from smalltown Minnesota, I was Betty White...I had way too lame of a love life to ever be Blanche, consider yourself lucky.

Jenny said...

That's really funny. Hopefully it wasn't in there long enough for anyone to see - you caught it the same day, rather than a week later.