
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

i am a notoriously deep sleeper.

i can sleep through nearly anything, snoring, dogs barking, sirens, a tree falling on my apartment building etc...

and now we learn that i can also sleep through physical harm to my body.

this morning i woke up at my usual time la-di-dah and when i got up i saw that i had been lying on a pair of open toenail clippers.

i picked them up and was kind of like "what an idiot" and put them in the bathroom cabinet where they belonged and then made my way into the shower.

but not before i caught a glimpse of my back in the bathroom mirror. and it was covered in little red welts. kind of like the welts that a pair of toenail clippers would make if you slept on them all night.

it's pretty gross.

so the moral of the story is, if you are as deep sleeper as i am then make sure there are no sharp implements in your bed on which to impale yourself while you sleep.

your back will thank you.


Jenny said...

That sucks! I hope you weren't planning on wearing a low back shirt. :)

Erin said...

Did you have strange dreams?