at the risk of embarrasing myself, i'm gonna go ahead and say it.
there is really no bad feeling that a little Barry Manilow can't alleviate.
there is really no bad feeling that a little Barry Manilow can't alleviate.

you know what i mean?
Posted by
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I tried to get to your site today and my work computer would. not. let. me!
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident and cyclopes-ness! But I am gladd Barry made you feel better and also that you had a great time at the RB Brew dinner. Does the one in Boston do the BBQ one too? Cause if so, me thinks I am gonna have to go!
Oh, Mandy. ;)
New York City Rhythm is one of my favourites!! Mock him all you want, the man can sing.
Are you a Fanilow? That Will & Grace was one yesterday which is really weird. Sarah, you have and always will love being a kyklopes. I think it's time you accept that fact! Go Sox tonight!! Hurrah!
Found you through creme de la creme...and I will admit it - I love Barry. I actually saw him in concert a few years ago - I was the only person under 70 there. AND there was a fight in the row ahead of me that security had to come and break up, and they kicked the women out! Never thought that would happen at Barry!
~sings badly~ Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away~~~
Is it true that "Mandy" is about a dog he had? (It makes me like him more if it is.)
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