
Monday, October 06, 2003

so, i took the GREs today. It was not as much fun as you might think, but the good news is you get complimentary neon orange ear plugs. I actually didn't do that bad. Right after you finish the test you have the chance to delete your scores, for use in the off chance that you KNOW you bombed. I debated doing this, because to be honest I had a tough time with the math sections. I simply blow at math. I sucked it up though, and am happy to report that I did better than I did on the SATs but worse than I did on the PSATs. I may take them again in January, I may not. I really don't like these kinds of tests, but then again I figure that if I do well, it can only help me. I'm taking the LSATs in February so maybe that will turn out better for me. (am i a test taking machine or what?). Law school is something I am debating at this time, my uncle may be able to get me into Suffolk Law, although that is dubious. I dont know that a math professor has all that much pull in the law program. So i'm looking at New England School of Law too. And then of course various journalism programs in the New England area. How desperate am I not to have to get a real job? Pretty damn desperate. I'm just going to stay in school forever.

This probably sounds hopelessly immature but I have no idea what I really want to do. Yeah, international law/human rights appeals to me and I might want to do that, and yeah journalism appeals to me just as much. tI've never been like "I want to do this when I grow up." or "This is the path I am going to take." Mostly my parents suggest something and I do it, not because I have no motivation but because I have no idea. I feel like I did when I was applying to college: I had no idea what I was doing so I just applied to 12 schools to see where I would get in, got in to to them all, and then proceeded to take a year off and go to a school that was never on the list to begin with. I won't be facing quite the same predicament this time around, because I know I will probably only get into half of the grad programs I apply to, if even that. Sometimes I wish someone would just tell me what to do. I could stand being given some orders right about now.

On a lighter note, I am really into paisley these days, is that odd?

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