
Thursday, October 30, 2003

Oh how I love halloween. I just got the final component of my costume and I will say this about the Goodwill in Quincy: it is NO Neponset Flea Market. For those who don’t know, I am a thrift store afficianado. When NFM closed, it was a dark day for humanity. Where would I go to get $1 vintage silk scarves? What of the 40s era brooches? Where would the beautiful faux fur circa 1960 coats go? Certainly not Goodwill. The style there is more Three’s Company than Breakfast at Tiffany’s, although I’ve heard it said that paisley is the new black. (which is not to say that if you don't put in the effort you can't find something lovely) In any case, I stopped by yesterday with low expectations and left with an atrocious but utterly perfect bright fire engine red peignor. Of course, because of snooty hang ups of my own, I felt compelled to let the woman shopping next to me that I was, in fact, shopping for Halloween, just in case she was watching me thinking “Not only a slut…but a slut with terrible taste”. It was alright though, because she was equally keen on making me aware that the giant green and taupe plaid dress that she was holding was, in fact, part of her costume (FYI, the lovely ladies of Dunkin Donuts on Rt 3 in Quincy will be dressing up as the cast of Mama’s Family).

Tonight Jill and Chris and I are keeping the age old tradition of hitting up Manray’s halloween celebration. Ahh the flourescent cobwebs, the glitter in the air, the stupefying drag queens….it just drips Halloween don’t you think? This presents a problem though: I am working until 9 and to save time it would make sense for me to wear my costume to work. However, Field’s Corner is not conducive to walking around in a nightgown and heels. I get enough solicitations wearing a pea coat and jeans. If only 60s hair didn’t take so much time and effort (and aqua net).

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