
Monday, September 22, 2003

i fixed my site finally, it seems my site meter was causing a bit of unrest on this page but thanks to Kimmy at Blogger, it is all on the up and up now :-)

busy busy weekend (for once!). friday night was spent at a city-year reunion/party at Judit's house in cambridge. i saw a lot of people that i have not seen since May of 1999 and i also saw some people who i only ever run into when I am drunk and with Kate Ullman and thus they think that absolutely nothing has changed since our days at CY corps members. after some shots and some PT, meg, kate, brad and I headed to the blue wave to visit the lovely jill, score free drinks and sing jazz standards loudly and offkey over the horrendous cover band. always a good time.

saturday was spent largely at Target with jenn. I am in the midst (as always!) of redoing my room, color scheme and all, and what better place than Tar-ghey for things like full-length mirrors, palm tree lamps and beaded cotton ball dispensers? then, once home, i changed into appropriate scrubby clothes and attacked my room with a vengence. wood was polished! underneath the bed was swept! the bookcase was organized and the closer color-coded! and when all was said and done I noticed a disturbing theme to palm trees and tigers but thank god it works.

sunday, my friend kim and i ventured to the english high area to register kids to vote for YDA. these kids, all around 18/19, almost wholly proclaimed themselves to be republicans and desgnated so on their forms. although i am not allowed to dissuade or even frown, however much i wanted to, i did ask "why" and to my chagrin, hardly any of them even knew what a republican was, only that george W is one. i could barely bite my tongue until i remembered this sordid fact from my past:

when i registered to vote at 18, i registered as a Republican.

i know, who can believe these things? I will admit though, a certain Mr. Powers accompanied me to the town hall when I registered and swayed my malleable political mind in that direction, and at the time I knew nothing about the party except that everyone I knew who was a Republican was wealthy. When I was 20, and more with it, I of course changed affiliation and never spoke of it again.

And, to be honest with myself, if these kids had registered as Democrats with no idea why or what it meant I would not be half as mad about it, so i am being unfair really.

Tomorrow Chris and I are going to see Howie Dean speak at Copley, which should be both informative and entertaining. I had a vision of Dean, and it was all that you've given to me...

(surgery in one day! yay!)

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