
Friday, August 29, 2003

So, the VMAs were last night and i think I can safely describe it as a f*cking fabulous spectacle. I kept thinking of people in other countries watching it and what they must continue to think of American Pop Culture. They love it though, or else they would not talk about it so much. I love it too. Of course if you listen to the radio today there is the inevitable media blitz surrounding the Madonna-Brit-Christia menage a trois on stage. All I've been hearing is middle aged housewives and militant female college girls cry about "publicity stunt" and "media whores". Who the hell cares? Have your morlas been comprimised because three women who live on publicity did, oh my god, something for attention? Bask in the hedonism of it all get a damn life.

also, i loved the cutaway to Justin's face after the Brit-Madonna kiss. He was PISSED. you know he's thinking "Why didn't I think of that!"

Oh my god i am full of rants this week!

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