
Monday, April 11, 2005

dear star market in auburndale,

i recently noticed that you have taken to employing crazy people.

now, this is fine with me because as an open minded person i have always believed that the mentally unwell deserve a chance to make it in the world, and if bagging groceries is the way to do so then so be it.

however, i am also aware of two kinds of crazy. harmless, muttering-under-your-breath-and-twitching crazy; and confrontational, wild and mean crazy. the latter is perhaps not the sort that should be employed in a place where human interaction is somewhat of a requisite.

i was waiting in line to use the self check out, as usual, since i only had a small basket of items and the express line was very long today. as i stepped up to the scanner i hear a voice "Hey, miss!".

i turn around...and see no one.

so i turn back to my produce. "Miss!! You!!" and suddenly the bagger from the next line over is next to me.

"Hey miss! are you trying to put me out of a job?"

"um, no", i said (not quite realizing the crazyness)

"yes you are. you want my job!" he said, narrowing his eyes, "you ALL of you want my job!" he motioned to the people using the scanners in front of mine.

"um, i don't want your job, i just don't want to wait in line." i said, in what i hoped was a nice, soothing, don't-stab me-voice.

so he YELLED; "well, how would you like to stock the shelves too? yes! how about that! you come with me and stock some shelves!!". and one of the cashiers, who i suspect was NOT crazy but just annoying said "You tell them, Larry!" so he began to continue his pontifications on the unfairness of using the self-checkout islands.

at this point, i was close to finishing my transaction so i just swiped my last few things, threw my money into the machine and basically ran out without my 17 cents change or my reciept.

all i have to say is i best not have left behind one of those really good "save $2.50 on your next Lean Cuisine" coupons that spit out when you spend over $20.

so in conclusion, Star Market. you employ crazy people. please stop.



Jennifer Wertkin said...

Oh my god that was FUNNY. I know how frustrating that is, but it's hard not to laugh once it's over. I hate those places too. In NYC you can't get ANYONE to do their job. It's like they look at you with an evil eye while s-l-o-w-l-y put your merchandise into a bag. Grrrr. I can reach across the counter and start strangling......but then I get my composure and leave the store, frazzled.

e$ said...

I have noticed the same phenomenon in the Newton Highlands Walgreens. Or, actually, every Walgreens I have ever been in. This is why I frequent CVS for my sundries and Whole Foods for my food.

Anonymous said...

That would be the last time I`d spend a nickle in that market. I`d also send an e-mail to the head of the company and tell them exactly what you wrote here.