
Friday, January 28, 2005

and now..for my review of B to the E, the new caffeinated "beer" from Anheuser Busch.

first of all, there is a kick-ass packie (liquor store, for you non-massachusettesites) down the street from my apartment called Old Colony Liquors. it is tiny, and up until recently i thought the only think it was good for was buying $10 liters of vodka to drink at Jill's dad's house (who lives across ths street). but i was mistaken. within its dumpy, cramped exterior is an extensive, cramped collection of wines, every kind of american and international beer and liquors i had previously only read about. they did not, unfortunately, have any B to the E but they did have Michelob Honey Lager which is impossible to find AND Anheuser World Select that was actually bottled last November instead of last January (another impossible thing to find). i had learned about both of these beers on a tour of the Budweiser plant that Adam and I took earlier this year. I reccomend taking the tour if you find yourself in Merrimack NH. It's actualy interesting, you get alot of free alcohol and the gift shop is great especially if you are in the market for a Bud Ice baby tee.

anyway, i bought a six pack of each and headed home. when i arrived home, Adam is all "i saw B to the E at Old Colony but i didn't pick any up because you said you were going to get some". i am shocked, since i asked the helpful non english speaking cashier and she had told me they don't even carry B to the E. so i showed Adam what I had bought and he was all "i LOOKED for World Select and couldn't find it anywhere!". so this is why we work out, Adam and I, i look for my alcohol and find something he likes and when he looks for his alcohol he finds what i like. so, being the nice guy that he is, he went back to the store AGAIN and brought back the last 4 pack of B to the E. thank god.

now, the cans are littler than normal beer cans (10 oz as opposed to 12 oz)..and to me this makes then cute. they do only come in cans (for now) which is not as cute, but such is life. now for the taste test.

i was under the impression that this drink was not beer, per se, but more of a malternative like Smirnoff Ice or something. but no, it is in fact beer. the best description i can give is that it is Red Bull flavored beer. it's sort of fruity and very fizzy, but it's still beer. but as we know from previous posts, fizziness does not bode well for me. the best thing to come out of me drinking just one can is i managed to yawn and hiccup at the same time, which actually made me feel better.

so, in conclusion. it tastes pretty okay. if you like beer but have always wished you could mix beer and red bull then you will probably like this. if you cannot burp you will not like it, i promise.


Chris said...

I've never been on the Budweiser tour, but I've been on the Sam Adams tour (in JP) a couple of times and it's a lot of fun. Lots of free beer, too!

I've never tasted Red Bull. My brother drinks it, though...he's a club DJ and it's kind of a necessity for him, especially since he's pushing 40 and staying up late is getting harder and harder. ;-)

DementedPhotographer said...

They had some at the part I shot New Year's Eve.


I've never been a big Bud fan anyway ...
