Something I Inexplicably Hate
Cell phone trees!
You know those fake trees that house cell phone towers and look really unnatural and scary?
They give me the heebie jeebies and I hate them. I often notice them along the highway and they always stick out like sore thumbs and look alienesque and I am not comfortable until we pass them and they are far away in the distance.
The first time I noticed one was last year. Adam and I were cruising to Old Orchard Beach for the weekend when out of the corner of my eye I saw it. This incredibly tall "pine tree" that had no branches except at the very top and the branches looked like those of a plastic Christmas Tree from the Dollar Store. WTF IS THAT!!! I asked Adam. I thought it was just an actual, though very sick and "ugly" tree. And it frightened me.
I soon found out the truth though. That those monstrosities are cell phone towers "disguised" as trees to fit in with the landscape. I'm sure most people don't even notice them but I always do and am always unsettled by their presence.
I hate you fake weird looking trees.
What do YOU inexplicably hate? Let's get some unfounded hatred up in this piece!
Also you can thank Danielle for this rant. She showed me a photo of a plant this morning that got me ALL riled up.
This is all true.
We have palm tree cell phone towers as well as the pine here in CA.
Hmmm, I hate a lot of things but I think my most inexplicable hatreds are food-based.
I inexplicably hate milk (except chocolate milk) and peanut butter. I'm not allergic to either or lactose intolerant even, but I HATE them. So very much.
I honestly do not even think I've ever seen one of those and they do look awfully stupid amidst all the real trees.
Holy Lord, I've never seen one of those before! How stupid-looking!! Here's something I hate: those shiny, white plastic fences that are supposed to look like regular wooden picket fences.... BUT THEY'RE SHINY! Hate Hate Hate!
We have a lot in the suburbs of Philly.....I hate them too. The fact that they 'tried' to make them look natural makes them look even worse. What kind of tree ONLY has very stiff leaves at the top??!!
OMG I hate those too! My husband and I always laugh at them! They look so ridiculous with "branches" only on the top! I don't know why they even bother,,,,
Fleece! I loathe anything made of fleece, if I accidently touch any I get goosebumps.
I don't really have any random hates, but a friend of mine really, really hates seeing plastic bags stuck in trees. So of course whenever we're together I point them all out.
I really hate it when people put Christmas lights on their house yet forget to set them on the same settings. Like one will be still and the other strands will be blinking. This drives me crazy like nothing else and it's so strange.
Velcro. I really hate velcro.
I really hate when people say literally when it does work....I literally die. ;)
I mean doesn't. Oops.
I hate it when you buy a crate of fruit at Costco, and it's all rotten within two days.
I hate the word "panties" and the word "mucus".
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