
Monday, September 17, 2007

What Does It Mean When The Biggest Excitement* In Your Life is...

...that you are taking the Dannon Activia Challenge? **

*I am not exaggerating. I am really psyched.

**I wanted to blog about the beer-tasting party Adam and I threw this weekend but alas I didn't have a chance to upload what few pictures I have and we all know a party post with out pictures is like a digestive system without bifidus regularus.


Anonymous said...

Sooo...does this mean we can all expect a future post regarding how successfully (or otherwise) "regular" you are? LOL.

Cricky said...

I saw the ads for this on TV during the Labor day weekend Lifetime movie network marathon.

Good Luck? :)

Anonymous said...

Does this really work?

Melissa said...

I'm taking the challenge too! Good luck! :D

Sarah said...

thanks girls. i am not sure if it works but i figure it was worth a shot. they DO offer full reimbursement if it doesn't....

go melissa!! good luck to you too!

tulipmom said...

It worked for my son. Hope it works for you too.

MarisaJosephine said...

it works. trust me.
BUT try the LIGHT. its better


A said...

My Grandma SWEARS by the stuff.

And if it works for Grandma, trust me, it better work for you. :)

Perfectly Plump Preppy 2.0 said...

If this actually works for you then I would totally give it a try. It can't hurt, right?

Anonymous said...

What does it mean when I'm excited to hear how this challenge goes?

I'm serious. I've heard conflicting reports and I'm dying to hear your take on it.