
Monday, November 28, 2005

you know, for a slob i have an unhealthy obsession with cleaning products.

i think what it comes down to is while one can be messy and clean at the same time. i mean just because i don't pick my socks up off the floor doesn't mean i don't love an Orange Pledge scented coffee table. just because i have an aversion to doing laundry doesn't mean i don't enjoy a super cleanly scrubbed kitchen floor.

over the weekend, Adam and i SUPER CLEANED the apartment. i am talking scrub the sink and kitchen floor, vaccum everything that's too heavy to lift, and EIGHT LOADS OF LAUNDRY.

sick, right? i found a dress i haven't seen since 2004.

and all this cleaning helped to reaffirm my love of cleaning products. i love using Comet on the stove burners and using Fantastik on the finger prints that appear on the door jambs. it's almost cathartic to scrub at something until it freaking GLEAMS. and i love it.

in a little while i plan on getting in the shower with my new scrub brush and some Tilex and going to town on that grout, and i am PSYCHED.

anyone else with me?


Sarah said...

it's true, Sam. i mean, i DID tell you I'm a holiday girl, right? :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a freak for Fantastic. We always have 2 bottles.. one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. I just did a massive cleaning of the bathroom and laundry room yesterday. I Fansticked (it's a verb) everything from the floors to the washing machine/dryer to the tub+sink+toilet to the cabinetry. I take full advantage of the term "multi-purpose cleaner."


M said...

I have a small cleaning problem - some might call it OCD...