
Thursday, November 10, 2005

i'm hungover this morning, and a little cranky so forgive me if i seem rude. well, more rude than usual..


what the f*ck is up with people needing to talk to their husbands/wives/significant others several times a day at work.

now, i can understand one phone call a day. or you know, if you have something going on at night maybe occasionally needing to check in more than once a day. but every day? and not just once or twice but three, four, SEVEN times?

what is the need? you more likely than not LIVE with this person so why must you also call them at work RELENTLESSLY. don't you hear enough from them at home?

i never talk to Adam at work. I mean, I don't even know his work phone number. And he rarely calls me except to ask me to pick something up on my way home. but really that is what email is for.

so, yeah. husbands and wives and canoodlers of all kinds: quit it.


Sarah said...

THAT is what i am talking about!! this one wife calls here all the time and she asks me "is my honey there?" because she assumes that 1) i know who she is since she calls all the time and 2) i am not a bitch. but everytime i am like "i'm sorrt who is this?" bwa ha ha ha.

Grace said...

I talk to my husband about 3 times a day. Various things come to mind and I call him to tell him or he calls me.

Luckly I have a closed door office.

What bothers me is co-workers who insist upon calling their day care providers 135,000 times a day to see how their kid is. IF you don't trust the daycare, don't bring your kid there.

AliRose said...

Yea I usually talk to my husband during the day. We're not on a set calling schedule or anything, but if I want to verify plans for the evening, or ask him to pick up something for dinner, I call him.

To be honest, somedays it sure makes the day go by faster, especially if I've spent a considerable portion of it sitting in front of the computer. It's nice to just talk to someone, even if just for a second.

M said...

My boss' wife calls and asks "where's sweetness?" I know, I threw up a little too!

MarisaJosephine said...

Hey Sarah
my email address is

Thank you for letting me attempt to post in your cookbook blog

so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!


MarisaJosephine said...

hey sarah
my email addy

thank you for allowing me to
share post in your cookbook blog


e$ said...

my boyfriend calls me once a day, which is not bad, but then he WON'T LET ME OFF THE PHONE!!

"i love you baby!"
"be safe!!"
"don't forget to eat something!!"
ok, i'm going now
"ok ok ok, I LOVE YOU BABY"

it's obnoxious, but at least he calls me from outside his office!

DementedPhotographer said...

Is it better for them to be cutesy or to fight? I knew one man who had the WORST fights with his wife over the phone, in the office, and often in front of clients.

Not cool.


Sarah said...

omg garrison i used to work for a husband and wife team and it was AWFUL! they would fight all the time. she would scream that she wants a divorce from the bottom of the steps outside. it was horrible.

however i still prefer that to cuteness. sorry! that's just the kind of gal i am ;-)