part of growing up, means admitting to yourself that there are some things in life that are simply out of your control. no matter how hard, or how often you try to make something work, it just won't.
and i recently came to a realization involving something that i did not want to admit to myself. but i realize now that it is okay, and that there is help for people like me.
you see, i cannot make a good cup of coffee.
i know! something so simple, that so many people take for granted is just so beyond me.
i mean the brewing, fine, i can do that. 5 scoops of Folgers + a carafe of water = a welll brewed cup of joe.
but that is where it ends for me. i always end up over sweetening, or using too much cream or not enough and then when i add more it is somehow ruined. i don't really know how i do it, but i suck at making coffee.
and i am pretty sure i inherited this trait from my mother, who is often asked on airplanes "do you want some coffee with that sugar" because she, like me, does not to say when to say when with the Dominos packets.
and in many ways it is a handicap. i can't enjoy coffee at work unless i bring it made perfectly from Dunks. and that's not right! why should i have to pay because of an obviously genetic problem? what can be done to help me?
the answer to that question is this

coffeemate creamer in french vanilla.
my boss has seen me fumbling with sugar packets and cursing my overly creamy coffee and she did for me what the coffee-gods could not.
she ordered me coffeemate.
four of these babies and i have the perfect blend of cream and sweetness in my coffee and i am a happy, perky girl once again.
and now if i could just solve my tea deficiencies............
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