
Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Morning Musings

*There is a bar called "the Sly Fox" in West Quincy that I am dying to try, if only for the interesting fashion choices of the people I see outside smoking when i drive by each day on my way home from work. I've seen beads, fringe, macrame, a leather vest, skorts, skorts with beads and fringe, and what i can only assume is a tutu. I must go inside. It will be like some horrible-fashion vortex. And I bet the cocktails are cheap.

*One of my biggest pet peeves is when people who are neither British, nor Canadian nor anything other than American who spell favorite like "favourite" and color like "colour". you are wasting precious seconds of your life typing/writing that uneccesary "u". please refrain.

*At work, i always get this weird eye-pain behind/in my left eye. it ONLY happens at work. and i know it's not because i need glasses because i went to the optomotrist two weeks ago and he informed me that not only are my eyes perfectly healthy, but my vision is 20/15 and i will probably never need glasses. which is a shame because I had already picked out these fabulous Gucci frames.

*it's casual friday and instead of expressing it by wearing jeans, i am expressing it by wearing a spaghetti strap tank top (and a cute skirt). take that, dress code!!

*i'm going to a show at Milly's Tavern (a fabulous microbrewery) in Manchester, NH on Saturday night to see the band WALTHAM, who are amazing and my favorite local band and if you like good rock music (and Rick Springfield) you should check them out. and if you are in Manchester on Saturday night you should come to Milly's and I will buy you a Vanilla Stout (they are SO GOOD).


Anonymous said...

haha, funny story:
I was over chris' a while ago, looking at some samples of wedding invitations online and I said to him, "I HATE when Americans spell 'favor' with a U!" to which he replied, "Favoru?"

I love that boy. haha

I also love you!


Sarah said...

chris is so cute!!!! that's like, when i am telling someone my name over the phone at work i am always saying "sarah with an H" and inevitably someone will say "Shara?". haha

Okgirl Speaks said...

That pain behind your left eye is called optical rectitus (sh*tty outlook), and you only get it by being at work. When you feel that pain, you should leave work immediately and run to the nearest facility that serves margaritas. Believe works!

Sarah said...

how fortunate! there is a bar called "Margaritas" right down the street from my work!!