
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Random Wednesday Musings

*i am so glad animal prints are back (were they ever really gone?).

i must have this dress. Bloomingdale's has a whole new collection of vintage-inspired dresses that you should really check out if you are into that kind of thing (and i am!)

*i've been hearing alot about this study which states that American workers waste an average of 2.09 hours of the work day, each day. The top time-wasting activities were
1) surfing the net
2)socializing with colleagues
3)conducting personal business
4) spacing out
5) running errands out of the office.

here is my problem with it, and it stems from a conversation i had with my dad a few weeks ago. My dad, my brother and I were discussing current events and my part of the conversation was littered with the phrase "on" because i spend a large part of the day trolling for interesting news stories on there. My dad laughed at me at one point, and told me that when he worked at Verizon, he too had 1-2 hours of down time a day to be on the internet, but now at his new post-retirement gig his day is so full that he rarely even opens a browser. (my dad worked for Verizon for 30 years in marketing, retired at age 52 and now works part time as a contractor for a pharmeceutical company doing bio-statistics which was is what he got his Masters in but never got to actually USE it until now. go james!) all of which is to say that not everyone has a full day of work, while at work. and if you are done with all the work you have on your desk, and have nothing else to be working on, is it really WASTING time to be on the internet? i mean, one cannot say to one's boss "i'm done for the day" at 3PM and just go home (well, i certainly can't). it's one thing to have a project that needs to be done, and put it off so you can check on your latest bidding war on Ebay (not that i have done that) but it is another thing to check your email in between projects, or cruise a news site while you are waiting for some more work to come your way. am i right?

*i have been lobying my boss to get me a headset for my phone and it FINALLY came yesterday and it is everything i hoped for and more. The ability to be typing/looking up info on the computer/doing my nails while fielding calls from harried clients is SO worth the myriad "who are you, Janet Jackson?" jokes. I am SO time-life operator. i love it.


Anonymous said...

oh girl, i'm guilty. totally guilty of that! two hours/day at least at my last job.

AliRose said...

I completely agree. I've always firmly believed that as long as the work is getting done, what does it matter how much time you spend doing non-work related things? It just shows that you can manage your time!

Also, LOL at the life-time operator reference. Hee!

Pause said...

I'd rather not be here but since they are play for my presense might as well juice up those blog hits over at Blog Soldier or blog Explosion its can of like playing Tetris ;)

LindsayLu said...

My time spent on the internet is never and will never be "wasted" time. Either is yours, girl... this is entertainment.