
Friday, June 17, 2005

the theme of my life the past day or so has been "vomit".

it's true. first of all, i have this disgusting stomach bug that has been going around my office this week, and while things were looking up briefly, i made the bad decision to eat some questionable chinese food for lunch yesterday which then unfortunately led to clandestine vomit-sessions in the third floor bathroom. i use the third floor bathroom because i don't like a girl who works in the insurance company on that floor. and if i am going to feel ill, i may as well let myself feel better by making her have to use a vomity bathroom. bwah ha ha ha ha!

and then adam went out last night with george and got drunk even though i threatened him with bodily harm if he came home wasted because when i am sick i want someone to take care of me, i don't want to have to take care of someone else, but he apparently has no fear of my fists of fury, because he of couse came home drunk, and then was vomiting for the better part of the night too because the boy cannot ride the drunk train real well.

(he is still cute, though)

and THEN today there is so much vomit-worthy news that i can barely stand it.

Tom Cruise proposes to girlfriend Katie Holmes at Eiffel Tower

huaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. <--- me vomiting. damn you Tom Cruise, for rendering Katie Holmes annoying and making me NOT want to see Batman Begins because she is in it, even though that movie clearly rules and Christian Bale is so hot. damn you, little man.

'Runaway bride' inks deal with firm pitching movie

i think this makes me vomit the most. if i wanted to see a movie about a skittish horse, i would rent "Black Beauty".

so there you have it. nothing like a little vomit-talk to brighten up a friday morning.


Jaime said...

as for making someone else's bathroom vomitty-AWESOME. i would totally do that.

Jaime said...

and also, feel better! :)

Anonymous said...

now i feel alittle queasy myself! eck!

Frankie said...

Here's something vomit-worthy for you - I believe I peed my pants a little at the skittish horse comment!

I like you when you're pukey.

Anonymous said...

one of your best entries. hilarious! vom face! :-/;\ <3 danielle

Okgirl Speaks said...

I almost lost it at the skiddish horse comment myself. hahahaha That was hilarious! And don't make fun of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes...their love is for real girl! Excuse me while I go vomit. UGH!

Anonymous said...

that is just a divorce waiting to occur

DementedPhotographer said...

*hands you a fresh bucket*

Crackers and 7up. Nothing else, okay? ;)


Anonymous said...

Turns out, not surprisingly, KHolmes and Tommy are a contract marriage - check Defamer's re-post of a NY Daily News item.
Best part is, a friend of mine told me this over the weekend before I ever saw the item. Apparently the marriage w/ Nicole Kidman was also a contract. I've doubted it for years, but I guess Tom really is a great big self-loathingly homophobic gay. Can you imagine how great it would be for gay rights and etc. in this country if he came out at this point in his career and became politically active? Jerk head.


Jenny said...

I HATE Katie Holmes. And not because she "stole" Tom Cruise. I always have, always will. She looks like a stroke victim when she smiles (only 1 side of her mouth goes up) and she's just ANNOYING.

And hello? Did Bennifer teach us nothing? Marriages meant to get publicity for big movies do not work. This isn't just a divorce waiting to happen, it's a marriage that will never occur.