Adventures at the Self Service Aisle

(alternative title: Why I Rarely Pump My Own Gas)
yesterday afternoon i left work early. i was stuffy, i was sneezy and i was miserable. luckily my constant sniffling/sneezing/coughing had rendered me scary to the germ-phobes of the office so my early departure was welcomed and in fact, encouraged.
so i get in my car and i make my way out of the parking lot and my gas light comes on. as usual, i am shocked! didn't i just have half a tank this morning..or was that yesterday morning? hmmmm.....
in any case. even though i wanted nothing more than to hop on the highway and hurry home to stuff tissues up my nose and collapse in bed, i decide to get some gas because being stranded on the highway is not my style even when i am healthy. unfortunately, the only gas station between my work and the highway has, gasp, no full service aisles!
(which is why i usually avoid it and get gas at the station near my apartment, which is where i recently crashed my car and am now too embarrassed to return to so i am really running out of convenient places to gas up, hence the gas light is on)
so i drive up, and as usual have to pause and think to myself "which side is the gas thingie on?". and i finally get that figured out. and i get out of the car to pump and i realize i forgot to pop the little gas thingie hood so i get that popped off and somehow get the gas to start pumping even though there is a "fuel key" involved which i don't remember from last time i did this but at last all things are a go.
this was not so bad.
then, as i am finishing up, my gas cap falls from the hood of my car and rolls underneath it, so i go to grab it and kneel down and begin to teeter since i am in high heeled sandals so i grab something to steady me and that something is the gas hose and down it comes and as i fall over, gas spews all over me, on my car, et cetera, et cetera.
and then after this spectacle i still had to saunter into the kiosk and pay for my misadventure. but i believe i managed to do so with as much grace as one can muster when one is soaking in gasoline and bathing in fumes.
and i even got a free Dum Dum lollipop out of the deal. although that may just have been the gas station attendant's way of being redundant.

Practice makes perfect! What flavor was the Dum Dum?
WHAT?! I didn't even know that they still had full-service places! I've been pumping my own gas for YEARS. I feel cheated.
we still have full service here, but not at every station. and mostly i find it's just quicker for me to pump the gas myself (the service is usually so slow that by the time they get to my car, i've aged like ten years). my brother, on the other hand, still refuses to pump his own gas.
that is an awful story! like fleecey, i can do it so much faster myself.
matt give the best advice ever. That was just EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I already have two sisters, but another one couldn't hurt, right? ;-) Thanks!
god, I kind of can't think of anything worse than being sick and covered in gasoline. I hope you didn't smoke any of those "stuck in traffic" cigarettes, what with all the fumes!!
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