
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

i started myself back on my pre-surgery vitamin regime due to recent attacks on my immune system. as a result, i was lightheaded and had a faint metallic taste in my mouth all day. so that's what being healthy feels like. hmph.

this weekend did nothing to rebuild the shattered state of my health, but it did give me alot to be happy about!! friday night was out second annual anti-valentine's day night out. I met the gang at News dressed in my new stunning halter dress (which I wore to work as well because as we all know, ain't shame). We toasted with pink fizzy drinks and gorged ourselves on bread sticks until the last of our gorgeous 9-person party arrived. We were seated promptly and even garnered a personal visit with the chef who kept us abreast of all the latest dining innovations available to us. We were like "F oss and bring on the bottles of wine!". I ordered a Cobb Salad and ate maybe 1/4 of it, prefering to stuff myself with mint-flavored drinks and the divine cabernet that miss Jenny and I split. We toasted and talked loudly and innapropriately. My attempts and name-dropping fell decidedly short (I asked the waitress "Oh, is Jaime working?" (Jamie being the owner of said establishment, who is friends with a gentleman I work with). Sadly enough he was at the gym, so no comped meal for us. That's ok. $500 isn't all that bad (eek!)

The next stop of the night was Trio, to sit at the glittering copper-topped bar and flirt shamelessly with the latin bartenders about the name of drinks like "French Kiss". There was much inappro picture taking, and of course the inevtivable screaming sex talks. A riot of course.

And no night would be complete without the inevitable stop at a gay club, so off to the Gay Mecca of the South End: Club Cafe! Only Jenny, Chris, Andy and i were left at this point of the excursion, and we made friends immediately with a man who seemed not to know he was in a gay club. (what other kind club has almost entirely male clientele and yet plays Mandy Moore remixes relentlessly? i ask you!) Of course at this point, the 7 martinis and 3 glasses of mind had gone to my head and I found myself calling Adam to come rescue me from my own drunken madness (which he did, of course, because he rules) and we absconded to New Hampshire for the weekend.

I must say, having a boyfriend who likes to shop as much as I do is hilarious. It seems that every weekend we spend the equivalent of out paychecks and yet no one stops anyone from doing it. It's really too much fun. We hit up the Burlington Mall and the Crate and Barrel Outlets on Saturday and came away with a kitchen-full of gadgets ( from a fondue pot, to linen napkins to a pine chip bowl...we housed that place). At night we spent a lovely evening at the gorgeous Hampstead House (because after all, It was Valentine's Day ;-) ) and on top of all this I got the most stunning bouquet of lillies and gerber daisies (my favorites!) and a lovely necklace/earring set! I am a lucky girl, you know. Sunday was spent doing even more shopping (of course) and at night we had his parents and Mallory (the adorable border collie) over for dinner. All in all...a fabulous weekend.

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