
Monday, November 10, 2008

Also, I really need a manicure.

So I just spent an hour blowing out my hair and I haven't even done my bangs yet.

ONE HOUR. And my hair is just shoulder length now. I have worn it pretty short for the past six months and have not missed this time-wasting exercise in aesthetics. Oh how I wish there was a way to donate half your hair not lengthwise but thickness wise. You know like how liver-donors can give living donations and just give part of their liver? I just want to donate part of my hair. The annoying part.

Any takers?

In any case I decided to vent this frustration and get yet another NaBloPoMo post out of the way in one fell swoop. How you doin'?

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and at one point in my life, this meant singing "Off we go, into the wild blue yonder/Climbing high into the sun" in a cemetery with my middle school chorus. Now it means a floating holiday which, this close to Thanksgiving, means I am working so that I don't have to work the day after Thanksgiving because that frankly sucks. So big ups to all the veterans out there. Thanks to you we are free. And big ups to everyone who is not working tomorrow because thanks to you? My commute will be a BREEZE.


LoraBB said...

Ohhhh, I understand your hair frustrations all too well. I've often contemplated taking a nap just thinking about the process which involves letting it drip dry for a good 40 minutes before even picking up the dryer and then another 20-30. Oy. You are not alone!

Anonymous said...

I know the hair problem!!! That's one reason I cutted mine short again about 4 weeks ago.
And I love it!!! So quick. :-)

We have no public holiday over here until Christmas. *sigh*
But: I have off this week Friday and I am leaving at lunch time on Thursday. :-)

Sarah said...

Well that's good! I love days off. I took off the last week in December this year which is my first time EVER taking a full week off from work (except for when I broke my foot but that doesn't count!).

Jenn said...

Oh, I hear you about the hair big time. That is why I now mostly opt for letting my hair air-dry and using a straightening iron. I'm sure this is not a new concept to you, and it doesn't have the exact same effect as blow drying of course, but if you're just going for straight, well, even with my ridiculously thick hair pretty long like it is now (past shoulders by a few inches) it only takes me about 10-15 minutes to flat iron, where it would easily take at least 30-40 to blow-dry.

Anyway, good luck with that. I totally feel your pain.

Sarah said...

I wish that method worked for me! My hair is so thick and curly that flat ironing it alone, while it does take less time than blow drying, doesn't make it as straight and it also doesn't last as long. sad times!

Anonymous said...

I would love it if you could donate your extra thickness to me!!!! I have thin thin hair but it gets kinda poofy if I dont dry it like that episode of friends with the Monica hair. Luckily with what little I have it doesnt take very long!

rooroo said...

aw, i remember that medley, a favorite of mine. also, i feel your hair pain, though i never attempt straightening, ever.

GS said...

You see, most of my life I wished for that, I just had so SO much hair... I just hated it, now my hair is fallin´ I have like half of what I used to have and I´m freaking out!!