
Friday, September 09, 2005

i had a funny memory about from last night.

i had brought my gin & tonic outside of the bar (as i am known to do) so i could drink and smoke simultaneously (a difficult feat in Boston bars these days). i managed to successfully sneak my cocktail out, but after a minute my wanton drinking caught the attention of one of the bouncers who quickly rushed over and told me "no way". actually he literally said "you can't do that, we'll lose our license" and i mean, what can i say to that? so i apologized, feigned ignorance (not hard to do) , and surrendered my drink.*

one minute later the same bouncer approached me with a small plastic bowl..the kind you use if you order soup for takeout, and in it he had poured my gin & tonic, and added a straw.

i was so touched, i told him "you have just made a friend for life". and he winked.

and my night was made.

(i just started reading a Salman Rushdie novel so you can blame the influx of parenthetical asides on him.)


Chris said...

I use parenthetical asides all the time on my blog. Now I can seem well-read by blaming it on Salman Rushdie. Thanks!

Sarah said...

i've never read him before! i just picked up "Shalimar the Clown" the other day and literally every page has at least 2 or 3 parenthetical asides. and now i have caught it!

Anonymous said...

that's freakin' awesome!!!!

DementedPhotographer said...

That's a cool bouncer. He knows how to keep people coming back, which means he keeps his job.


Pause said...

Yes very cool indeed.