
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

today, i plead ignorance.

no, literally. i am ignorant.

some proof from the past few days:

*i called Aura (the fancy seaport hotel restaurant that i will be dining at tomorrow night in honor of Boston's Restaurant Week) to request a table by the windows (being that this restaurant is in the Seaport Hotel, i much desired a View of the Sea). the following converation ensued with the hostess

Hostess: "I'm sorry Miss Stewart, we don't have any windows."
Me: "What do you mean?"
Hostess: "There are no windows in this restaurant?"
Me: (dumstruck) "Um, but you're on the water"
Hostess: "Yes?"
Me: "I thought I had seen windows in the hotel when I walked by it"
Hostess: "The hotel has windows. The restaurant does not"
Me: "Ok thanks!"

No when i go in there tomorrow they will think i am stupid, because clearly the hostess made a note next to my reservation that says "this idiot thought we had windows". d'oh!

*the other day i came home from work (Adam was at class) and set about taking advantage of my "alone time". work outfit came off, ratty, holey nightgown came on, i made a little plate of brie and crackers and i settled down to watch some Law and Order reruns. Around 9PM someone started knocking on my front door which is weird because 1) i hadn't buzzed anyone into the building and 2) no one ever uses the front door. they KEPT knocking and of course instead of being reasonable and opening the door, i shut off the TV and smooshed down on the couch so that no one could see me from outside. clearly this was a robber of some sort. because robbers are known to knock first. of course.

the next morning when i was leaving for work, i could not find my keys. intelligence flashed in my brain for an instant and i opened the front door. there, in the keyhole, were my keys. so some it seems that it was some good samaritin (and not a robber)who was at my door the night before, trying to alert me that my keys were stuck in the door still. i'm sure my shutting the lights/TV off was a good expression of my gratitude.

i though i had more good ones, but i am too ignorant to come up with them right now.


Erin said...

I'm not sure it's ignorance so much as absentmindedness or assumptions...anyway, what kind of fancy restaurant on the water doesn't have WINDOWS? That's just damn stupid to me.

Stephanie said...

I had the same thing happen with the keys left in the door, except as I tried to hide in my apartment without making any noise, the guy knocking finally just yelled "Hey, you left your keys in the door!" Very helpful neighbor.

Pause said...

Yeah, and their thinking " I know your in their your keys are in the door."!